I Am Legend Wiki
Dr. Alice Elis Krippin
Alice Krippin
Actor Emma Thompson
Ethnicity British
Appearance I Am Legend (film)
Status Unknown/Possibly Deceased

Dr. Alice Krippin is the creator of the Krippin Virus that brings humanity to the verge of extinction.


In 2009, Krippin genetically engineered the measles virus into a 100% effective cure for cancer. Unfortunately, the virus soon mutated and became lethal, wiping out most of the world's population and turning many others who had been infected into the monstrous Darkseekers. It is unknown what happened to Dr. Krippin herself after the pandemic broke out, but she likely either died from the virus that bears her name, committed suicide out of guilt for what her creation had become, or was infected and transformed into a darkseeker.


  • She is portrayed by an uncredited Emma Thompson in the movie for her minor role.